Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cirque: Cape Liz, Vaudeville, Hellebore

So, this year for Valentine's Day I received what was pretty much the best Valentine's Day present ever from my significant other: a whole whack of lacquer-y amazingness in the form of Cirque's delightful polishes. Was there ever a purer expression of true love? Well, from a lacquerhead's perspective, anyways. 

 The pretties, left to right: Cape Liz, Galinda, Vaudeville, Hellebore, French Roast, XX, Cypress

Today I have a few of these beauties to show to you- first up is Cape Liz, a stormy light grey-blue with small flakey shimmer particles in it. Gorgeous, and a little demure. This reminds me of a bluer version of Illamasqua's Raindrops- it has a similar shimmer running through it.

Vaudeville: ridiculously pretty soft purpley-pink with strong golden/green shimmer running through it. I love this colour combination, and the shimmer makes this polish something special.

Vaudeville, with it's pink/purple base and greenish shimmer, also seemed like a natural companion to Hellebore, which is a mixture of predominantly green glitter with subtle purple accents. I applied Hellebore as a gradient over Vaudeville.

So far, all of the Cirque polishes I've tried have been excellent in terms of formula; I can't wait to try the rest of them! I'm especially pleased with how the Vaudeville/Hellebore manicure worked out- it's a perfect springtime combination... if only spring would actually show up around here. Which brings me to my next topic, regarding the weather in my neck of the woods. I apparently inhabit some kind of wintery hell dimension, because so far April has looked much like this:

Is it too much to ask for temperatures above freezing? And for further illustration as to the amount of snowfall we've had this past month, check these out:

 Trees be like: "what is this, quicksand?!"

 ...he's trying to run away from the memory of this winter.

What about you, dear reader? Has spring time arrived in your world? 


  1. Those are beautiful!!! Excited to see the rest! And sorry about your extended winter fortunately spring has come to some areas of Canada :P

    1. I'd heard rumours of this mysterious phenomenon known as "spring". Tell me more about this rare and little-known event! Is it true, that underneath the snow... there exists something called "grass"?

  2. I love Cirque polishes - and these are beautiful.
    SNOW still - argh, poor you....

  3. Spring has definitely arrived in Texas - it was almost 90 today!

  4. What an amazing gift!! He must really like you :P And sorry about your horrible wintery hell...:( I'm still in awe of your snowy pictures..and the deer. We never see deers here! Lol

    1. I know, hey!? He's a special guy, to so whole-heartedly embrace the nail polish obsession. ;) And about the deers, there was actually a whole troupe of them, strolling down the road (5 fully grown, and a couple small ones)... next time I'll have to post the pictures of that.

  5. Ooohhh, I was getting tired of winter too. We had a freeze last week then too suddenly, a 90 degree, hot day.... People were mad because we really enjoy spring around here. So sorry about all that snow and grey, grey skies... so dark!!! Spring will come soon, it has to!!

    1. I keep telling myself that! Soon, it has to warm up. Although we tend to have two seasons: winter and summer. The spring and fall are always too short to really enjoy!

  6. what a great gift! its looking springy here-freezing in the morning. hot in the afternoon, and rainy-bleh!

    1. Too bad about the rain- although at this point, I'd be happy to see some of that in order to wash the snow away. :P

  7. AHHHHHHHHHH why did I click on this post?! Vaudeville looks great on you! Can't wait to see the rest of your Cirque swatches!

    1. Aww, thanks!! I really love it, definitely a favourite of mine. And I can't wait to share the rest of them!
