Monday, November 5, 2012

NARS Candy Darling + Lush Lacquer Party Rockin and Flippin Out

Today's post comes to you from a slightly grumpy Lacquer Tracker. The reason why? It's 5:22pm and the last bit of sunlight is disappearing beyond the horizon. In another 20 minutes it'll be pitch black. Ugh. It's not the cold or snow that gets me down about winters here, it's the incredibly short days. And until winter solstice comes around (December 21st), the days will keep getting shorter. Ugh. Okay. End rant. Let's get onto the nails, shall we? 

NARS Candy Darling, a very light and sheer beige; this took 4 coats to reach this level of opacity, and as you can see, it's still a touch sheer. For the first several coats it was streaky as well. Can't say I'm a big fan...

But two coats of glitter should improve this manicure (and hopefully my mood as well). Enter Lush Lacquer!

This is Party Rockin, by itself, over Candy Darling. Pretty!

Even better, here it is with a layer of Flippin' Out as well.

 Well, the sunlight may be gone, but at least my nails are brighter. That helps, right?


  1. It's like there's a party on your nails and everyone is invited!! Lol. I am totally with you on the shorter days...:/ Especially since the only time I can take pictures of my nails on weekdays is after work. I think my blog will need to go into hibernation mode soon lol.

    1. No chance of sneaking pictures on your lunch break? :P But yeah, it's depressing to spend all day at work, and then come home in the dark. Ugh. Winter.

    2. If I get no time on weekends, then work lunch break will have to do! I like to avoid it just because I don't want people on the streets to see me lol

    3. Fair enough! Maybe you can cultivate surreptitious photography skills- no one will notice. Or, if they do start looking at you funny, just hiss at them. That'll set 'em straight.

  2. That sure helps LOL - I was depressed about the season too - but on Sunday you can see why my life as a nail art/polish blogger has become soooo easy - just sayin'
    I love the happy and bright layering!

    1. What happens on Sunday? And I'm glad you like my rebelliously cheerful manicure. ;)

  3. party rocking is gorgeous! :)

  4. In my perfect world the day's world always last into the evening but it would start later. I don't know why but I love getting up in the morning and still having it be dark.

    And I love, love, love the combo. Nude colours, with bright glitter IMO always look great!

    1. Yeah, I'm actually good with it being darker in the mornings... I just wish it would stay lighter longer into the evening! I figure mornings are generally going to suck either way, so if it's dark out I don't really care. :P And I really dig the nude polish + bright glitter combo, too!

  5. I'm getting depressed over the lack of light too! :(

    1. Ugh, yeah it's so depressing! I already can't wait for the days to get longer.
