Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pirate Polish - The Pirate With The Golden Gun!

Have you been wishing for a more affordable way to cover your nails in luxurious flakes of real gold? Well, Pirate Polish has a (possible) solution for you! Presenting... 

The Pirate With The Golden Gun! Made with 0 karats of real gold flakes!*

But don't take our word for it. Read this user testimonial:

"If I close one eye, and kinda squint, it looks exactly like popular brand name topcoats of a similar name!" -T

Now available in the Pirate Polish Etsy store

*Made, in fact, with gold-coloured (read: yellow) shredded glitter. 

Well, I hope you all got as much of a chuckle out of reading that as I did writing it! If you're curious, these swatches are done over an old black label OPI (my only black label OPI, actually!) called Mrs. O'Leary's BBQ. 

Here it is by itself:

I hope you enjoyed today's post... let me know what you think of it!

Pirate Polish on Etsy
Pirate Polish on Facebook


  1. Not bad at all! I'm so glad you did not put real gold in there, seriously! The effect is really similar. Looks great!

  2. Haha I really like the great humour you've written this post with. Otherwise, it is a very beautiful top coat. :)

  3. haha, great post! And the top coat is super pretty!

    1. Thanks, Adriana! I had fun making this post (and the polish, too!).

  4. hahah i love your post, made with 0 karat of real gold LOL very pretty top coat! just amazing!

  5. Oooh I love that red polish sooo much!

    1. Kind of looks like similar are the two? Maybe you can do a comparison :)

    2. I've been thinking of getting Skyfall, and if I end up picking it up, I'll definitely do a comparison! I suspect, however, that Mrs. O'Leary's BBQ may lean just a touch more purple than Skyfall does. Just a hunch!

  6. hehe 0 karat real gold! It looks great! :D

    ~ Yun

  7. Hahaha love this! And that's quite a review you have there :P

    1. Hahaha, thanks Kas!! :D Glad you liked my "review". ;)
