Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sally Hansen Tourmaline Chrome

I have a quick post to share with you today, and it's something of a blast from the past. Do you remember those Sally Hansen Chrome nail lacquers from about 10 or 15 years ago? When they first came out I had just started high school, and I was crazy for them- I think I had about 7 of them, and I adored them. I'd never seen anything like them and thought they were the coolest. Sadly, over the years I lost them somehow, and ever since I've turned into a nail fanatic I've been bemoaning their loss. 

Finally in a fit of nostalgia I ordered a set of them via ebay. This is the first of the Sally Hansen Chrome polishes I have to share with you- it's called Tourmaline Chrome, and it is a bright, reflective pink-red. 

The application on this was very easy, and it covered in almost one coat (what you see above is two coats). It did smell a little chemically, which is a hallmark of older polishes. Well, I don't mind so much... it added to the nostalgia. ;)

What do you think of Tourmaline Chrome? Did you/do you own a few of the Sally Hansen Chromes?


  1. Oh, how these polishes take me BACK. I can't believe I got rid of them when I had 'em. Looks like the formula is still up to par too. Go Sally Hansen!

    1. Me too- I remember having this strange idea that nail polish "went bad" after a couple years. Now, thankfully, I know better! I so wish I'd kept all those wonderful old nail lacquers I had years ago...

  2. i dont have any of them but this ones looks lovely! :)

    1. I recommend them all- they're really a cool product. If you ever come across a bottle or two, don't hesitate to try them! :)

  3. I wish I hadn't gotten rid of mine, I had about 3 of them. I cringe to think about how much they're going for on ebay...Are they super pricey?

    1. I got my set of 12 Sally Hansen Chromes polishes (no repeats) for $34. Unfortunately shipping to Canada made it a bit pricier, but it wasn't too bad overall. It was worth it to me, especially considering how much I adore them!

      If you're curious, I ordered from this seller:

    2. Thanks so much, will definitely check them out! I wish Sally Hansen would get the hint and redo this line and the nail prisms line...

    3. I agree! I can't imagine it would be a bad strategy for them- I think people would love to see those lines come back.

  4. Woooow sooo pretty! Seriously takes me back...I never owned any of these, but I have a bottle of this old bottle of Revlon silver chrome that I love to wear on my toes!

    1. That sounds cool- have you posted about that polish? If you haven't yet, I'd love to see a post about it!

    2. Not yet, but it has been on my to do list!

  5. It's very pretty and it does look brush-strok-free - or maybe you simply are good at applying it LOL

    1. Thanks- and it was surprisingly brush-stroke free! If you looked really closely you might be able to see something, but mostly it was nice and smooth. I think it is the result of all the lovely chemicals they used back then... LOL.

  6. I remember when these came out. I had only one at the time, the light pink one. At the time, I wasn't crazy about nail polish and painted my nails every now and then...instead of constantly painting them now. Nice blast from the past, can't wait to see your swatches of the other ones.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed this post! I'm looking forward to sharing the rest of them. :)

  7. This chrome finish really takes me back to the 90s for some reason when I remember a lot of nail polishes came out in that finish!! They should really bring them back. So tired of glitter and crackle nail polishes now lol.

    1. I wish they would bring them back! I'd love that, and I think they would certainly sell really well!

  8. Seems like the trend with chrome is back again so these are perfectly "new style"!

    1. Come to think of it, I have seen a couple "chrome" finish polishes sprouting up (I think Deborah Lippmann recently released a chrome trio?)... anyways, I'm certainly happy about this as a possible "new" trend. I hope Sally Hansen re-launches the Chrome line!

  9. I didn't own any of these but I swear George found some of these in the dollar store a few months ago. And one bottle randomly shattered in her hands.

    1. It randomly shattered in her hands?! That sounds... kind of awesome. Provided she wasn't hurt, of course. Surely I'm not the only one who has kiiiinda wanted to pour an entire bottle of nail polish out just to see how cool it would look? I've also had the urge to throw a bottle against the wall and see what kind of neat splatter it would make (I restrain myself though, because I don't presently feel like repainting all the walls and changing the carpeting... BUT WHEN I DO...).

    2. Haha no one was hurt. It just kindda pooled in her hands and skirt. Here's a photo of the skirt right after it happened ( And I think you may be the only person :P Then again I did paint my nails with 53 coats of polish soooo...

    3. Hahahaha, yeah, you did! That was hilarious. And awesome.

      I hope that didn't result in the permanent destruction of a nice skirt... I was once browsing nail polish in a salon with a friend, and she dropped a bottle onto the ground between our feet. It EXPLODED. I even had some on my forehead. The worst part? My best loved leather boots, covered in red nail polish (I think it was Zoya Delilah...). I cleaned the worst of it off, but in the right light you can still see some sparkly red in the seems. :P
