Tuesday, May 8, 2012

OPI Sparrow Me The Drama

I have a quick post for you today, featuring a lacquer from last year's Stranger Tides collection. This has become a favourite collection of mine, and while I wouldn't say this particular shade ranks in my all-time favourites, it's still a very nice bubblegum pink that shares the interesting "dusty" quality the other colours in this collection are characterized by.

Application was good in two coats, and it was easy to apply. Not bad considering I got it on sale for $2. Oh, and you might have noticed (or maybe not) that I've been using my rarely seen right hand for photographs lately- the is because I suffered a massive break halfway down the nail on the middle finger of my left hand. *sigh* And they'd just reached a point where they were all nice and long and uniform! Ah well, that's how it always seems to go.

What do you think of Sparrow Me The Drama?


  1. It's a great color for you, and I like the dusty look too!

  2. I love so much this Opi color... Right now I have this color on my nails :)

    1. I really love all the colours from this collection- do you have any of the other Stranger Tides collection shades? If not, I definitely recommend checking them out!

  3. Pretty! Sorry about the break in your nail!

    1. Aww, thanks- I know it'll grow out within a week or two, but it's always annoying when this happens.

  4. Ooh 2 dollars is a steal!! Sorry about your broken nails, those things hurt, in more than one way! Lovely color btw!

    1. Thanks! And yeah, I was so happy to find this for only $2!

  5. I used to not understand what the big deal was with breaking a nail, but now that I paint mine, I understand all to well lol. It's more annoying than painful! This is a cute pink, any OPI you get for $2 is worth keeping!

    1. LOL, yeah, me too. I always thought the "Oh no, I've broken a nail" thing was more of a cinematic cliche, but now I understand it. :P It sucks!

  6. Ugh half way down the nail. Sorry, that must suck. I'm not a fan of pink but I like this. Mainly because if it's dusty quality.

    1. Hah, yeah, it did the thing where it was too far into the nail bed to actually file off cleanly, so I was snagging it on everything for a couple days. Between washing my hair and loofah-ing, showering was a real battleground. Especially the mesh loofah. *shudder*
