Sunday, May 20, 2012

Models Own Ibiza Mix (Hed Kandi collection)

Well, it looks like I've found a new favourite glitter topcoat! Models Own Ibiza Mix is from the new Hed Kandi collection, and despite not knowing who or what Hed Kandi is, I'm pleased as punch with this polish. Huh. Ever wondered about the etymology of "pleased as punch"? Well, turns out it's actually "as pleased as Punch", and you're welcome to click here to read more about the origins of the phrase. Although I think I might stop using it, as I've just discovered that Punch was, quote, a "wife-beating serial killer". Puts a rather different spin on the whole thing...

ANYWAYS. Ahem. This is the lovely Models Own Ibiza Mix, two coats over Models Own Dream Stream (a vibrant metallic blue):

Ibiza Mix consists of a mixture of shiny reflective pastel glitters in a variety of colours and sizes. I see smaller yellow, blue, and pink glitter, as well as larger orange, lilac, turquoise and yellow hexagonal glitter. I think this polish is unique enough to warrant owning, even if you already own one of the Deborah Lippmann Happy Birthday/OPI Rainbow Connection glitters. I love the glitter in this because it's a fascinating mix of less-common pastel shades. They're still vibrant and eye-catching, but they're more interesting to me than the usual mixture of colours you see in a lot of multi-glitter lacquers.

Did I mention how crazy-shiny and reflective the glitter in this is? Check out the disco-ball reflection it created on my palm in the next picture. And it wasn't only like that in the bottle! I kept seeing little light particles dancing around my fingers when I was wearing it.

That's Models Own Ibiza Mix- officially my new favourite glitter topcoat. It's marvellously glitzy, eye-catching, and fun to look at.

What do you think of Ibiza Mix? And can anyone clue me into who/what Hed Kandi is?


  1. Ibiza Mix is freaking awesome! Too bad about that phrase being connected to crazy serial killers. Lol.

    1. I agree- it's pretty great! And I think the whole "Punch" puppet/character was wholly fictional, but even so it's a bit of dark humour where I'd kind of been thinking of it in a positive, upbeat way... LOL.

  2. Well now, that's heavy glitter LOL, it looks great on you!

  3. I have never heard that phrase before, but after what you said I think I will continue to refrain from using it lol :P
    That Ibiza Mix makes me want to go to Ibiza SOOOO BAD!

    1. I haven't been to Spain yet, but I'd love to go! I understand Ibiza is quite a party place.

    2. Indeed ;) It is on my bucket list!

  4. Loving all the GLITTAH!!! Hed Kandi is the name of a music label, I guess the colors in the collection are inspired by them?

    1. Ahh, a music label. I kind of thought it might be the name of a particular musician that I hadn't heard of, but it's interesting that it's a music label. I wouldn't usually think to associate a nail polish collection with a music label as opposed to an artist... interesting.

  5. Izba is seriously my favorite glitter right now.. the colors are just so pretty and graceful, not in-your-face like other glitters (which I still love, btw) haha

    1. I agree with you- I absolutely love the pastel glitter look. Even though I also appreciate a good in-your-face glitter bomb!

  6. what a great combination!!!

  7. I love the colors of the glitter, so pretty! I want it! Can you believe I've NEVER tried a Model's Own polish?

    1. Never? Well, it must be high time for that to happen! ;) In any case, I certainly recommend this one!
