Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Nerd Lacquer - Holy Grail

I was so excited to receive my first Nerd Lacquer order the other day; for the uninitiated, Nerd Lacquer is another one of the indie nail polish brands that has become very popular as of late. The first Nerd Lacquer polish I have to show you is called Holy Grail. I'm going to use Nerd Lacquer's own description of this polish, because I think it's rather good, and quite accurate:

Holy Grail is a super-fine-grained satiny linear holo in a dusty blue-green base with silver microglitter, medium blue-green iridescent glitter, and a liberal sprinkling of big square and hexagonal silver holo glitter. Oh, also? Glows in the damn dark.

Glow-in-the-dark linear holo glitter polish. That's about all that needs to be said.

What's extra fun about this one is that indoors or in shade, the linear holo is invisible but the blue/green iridescent glitter is AMAZING. In full sun, the blue/green glitter disappears, and it's WHOA, HOLO CITY. And then of course in the dark, oooooooo! Magic!

Yep! As noted, this lacquer is glittery, holographic, and it glows in the dark. The base, as mentioned above, is a dusty blue-green, and it is a rather subtle linear holographic. Admittedly I did not have the opportunity to try it on a blazingly sunny day, but in the somewhat overcast sunlight I had, it was quite subtle. Something I certainly don't mind in a polish that as a lot of other things going on! And as for the glow-in-the-dark aspect of this polish, you'll have to take my word that is it VERY, VERY, glow in the dark. I'd forgotten about that and freaked myself out last night when I was going to bed ("OMG, why are my fingers glowing?!"). For the below pictures I used three coats of Holy Grail, and I really regret not shaking it thoroughly between coats, as you'll see most of the lovely glitter I got out on my first coat got buried by the subsequent coats of polish after the glitter settled in the bottle a bit. 

See all that glorious glitter in the bottle which didn't quite end up on my nails? Definitely shake this beauty between coats.

I also received this cute fuzzy-sparkly-ball ring in my order; it fits nicely over the cap of the polish, but on a brave day, I might wear it out. ;)

And for good measure, here's Nerd Lacquer's business card: 

I'm pretty thrilled with my first order from Nerd Lacquer! Everything came thoughtfully packaged, and I can't wait to try the other colours I purchased (you'll see Warrior Ethos tomorrow). I bought my Nerd Lacquer polishes through her Etsy shop, but you can also find her polishes at Ninja Polish and the Canadian based seller Harlow and Co. They sell out quickly, though, so you might have to be vigilant!

What do you think of Holy Grail? Have you tried any Nerd Lacquer polishes?


  1. Holo AND glow in the dark, so funny, please take some photos of it in the dark too :)

    1. Hahaha, I tried SO HARD to get pictures of it in the dark! I could never get anything to show up. :P Anyone have tips on taking pictures of glow in the dark polishes?

  2. So awesome!! I will be picking this up on my next order from her. Holo, glitter AND glow in the dark? Amazing!

  3. This is awesome!!!!!
    and I like your ring too

    Btw, I would love if you entered my giveaway:)

    Bootie Babe International Nail Polish Giveaway

    1. Very interesting giveaway- I've never heard of "Bootie Babe" polishes before. :)

  4. Holo glitter is already a fun nail polish but it also glows in the dark? Amazing.

    1. I think the glow-in-the-dark aspect of it might have been my favourite- I wish I could have captured pictures of it in glow-mode! It was SO bright. Brighter than other glow-in-the-dark polishes I've tried.

  5. Thank you for posting this. It looks gorgeous on you! I've been trying to get my hands on a Nerd Lacquer polish for awhile, but they are forever sold out. :( This might have to be the polish I buy! I've never tried glow in the dark, but it sounds fun.

    1. I find most of the time I'm just lucky when I see that the store happens to be open and I manage to grab a few polishes. Have you tried clicking the "notify me when this shop is open" notifier? Even then, you'd have to be near a computer, but it might help!

  6. That is a super cute color! Reminds me of sci-fi space movies!

    1. A lot of Nerd Lacquer's polishes are in the realm of Sci-Fi... that's something I'm rather happy about!

  7. So cool! I've never ordered a franken before!

    1. Definitely give it a try sometime. I think a lot of the handmade polishes are some of the best available right now.

  8. amazing colour! so cool to find your blog. Your latest follower? Thats me! :)
    Hope you might like to come past my blog and follow in return?
    Looking forward to coming back for some more inspiration!! x
    Have a great weekend!

    1. I'm glad you like my blog! I'll definitely check your blog out. :)
