Thursday, March 22, 2012

Essence Walk of Fame + Dollish Polish Walk Like An Egyptian

Today I wanted to show you another Dollish Polish Valley of the King lacquer: Walk Like An Egyptian. I've layered it over Essence Walk of Fame. This is Walk of Fame by itself (two coats):

This is a pretty standard mushroom-y taupe colour. There are a lot of other lacquers like this, but at $1.49 you can't really go wrong. The application was easy, and I actually really like the brush in the Essence polishes. 

After a day I decided to add Dollish Polish Walk Like An Egyptian to my manicure to freshen it up. I find  adding a top coat of some kind to a day-old manicure is a great way to extend the life of my lacquer, particularly when I don't have a lot of time to completely re-do it. 

This is two coats of Walk Like An Egyptian over Walk of Fame. Hey, these both have "Walk" in the title. I honestly just noticed that now as I was typing it out. Hah. 

Walk Like An Egyptian is chock full of different sizes of bronze glitter in what I believe is a tinted base. You can see how it changes the base colour to a slightly darker, more brown colour. It's also worth mentioning that this wore like iron. Normally polishes chip like crazy on me, but all of the Dollish Polish glitters have been pretty exceptional in terms of wear time. 

What do you think of these two lacquers? Do you think they make good partners?


  1. Walk Like An Egyptian is lovely! What a great name for that polish!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! I wasn't sure at first, but now I think they're pretty good together.

  3. Gorgeous combo. I just ordered my first dollish polishes, I can't wait to get them. This needs to be added to my lemming list now.

    1. Which polishes did you get? I know when they went on sale yesterday it was a bit of a panic to get something you wanted before it disappeared!

  4. they are amazing partners! :) Very cute manicure. hugs* have a nice weekend!
